From January 2023, NAI started working closely with the NC State Refugee Office, to oversee the expansion of certain key services into the western NC countries of Watauga, Yadkin, Ashe and Wilkes. With the influx of new refugee arrivals in communities of NC that are not historically resettlement areas, the need for specialized Case Management, Skills Recertification, Vocational Education, and Vocational Skills Training became evident.
The NC State Refugee Office realized the need for adding refugee employment service providers around the state, and uncovered not only the need for case management in Ashe, Watauga, Wilkes, and Yadkin counties but the necessity of adding NAI’s employment program readiness program across NC.
The Case management program in western NC works closely with refugees and their family to ensure they are able to access needed services. This support ranges from enrolment in public assistance, to referrals to employment and health services.
NAI’s vocational services focuses on providing Skills Recertification, Vocational Skills Training, Vocational Education, Automobile Driver’s Training, and Vocational Case Management. NAI’s program follows best practices recommended by The Imprint Project ( and includes Information and Advising, Skill Building, and Organizational Capacity Building.
Skills recertification is an integral part of the educational services provided by NAI. In the United States, 28.2% of foreign-born residents do not have a high school diploma or GED. This is in comparison to only
9.4 percent of those born in the United States. Having a GED dramatically increases a client’s ability to find a higher paying job.
Skills recertification includes getting High School and/ or College Diplomas evaluated and translated, and help refer clients into work force certification programs that are 3-6 months at local community colleges with funding, wherever available.
The Automobile Driver’s Training program that includes an in-person and online classes uses Virtual classes to reach refugees who are live or work in remote areas. The course teaches the required knowledge and road sign recognition needed to pass the NCDMV exam and obtain a NC Learner’s Permit. To prepare clients for the driving test NAI partners with local driving schools to ensure clients are able to get their NC Driver’s License.
The US citizenship classes are conducted online, with the aim to help clients learn the US civics questions, prepare for the naturalization interview, learn the steps to US citizenship. A typical class starts off with a homework review, followed by N-400 interview questions, vocabulary and review on how to answer questions about personal information.
Join us for our 2nd annual fundraising gala - Bridges to Belonging - Celebrating the Triumphs of Refugees!