The New Arrivals Institute Refugee School Impact Grant provides an exemplary experience for every family who enters the program by creating a safe and nurturing environment for school age children, ages 5 to 18 years old. The School Impact Grant as administered by NAI addresses barriers refugee families face in accessing and maintaining educational services for their children during the the first 5 years in the United States. NAI accomplishes these goals by providing a multi-pronged approach that includes Parent Focused Assistance, After-School Activities, and In-School Services. NAI also conducts outreach activities and provides translation and interpretation, if necessary, during the provision of services.
Parent Focused Assistance encourages parental involvement in their children's education, engages parents in school activities, assists with family stability concerns, provides home visits and ESOL parent/child classes and distributes a Parent Education Packet. Parent focused assistance takes place at the Refugee New Arrival School, Glen Haven and Legacy Crossing Community Centers, and during cultural orientation.
In-School Services include school enrollment, liaising with parents and the school, consulting with school staff concerning student progress and challenges, advocating for students and parents, referral for additional school services, enrollment into school programs such as sports teams and assisting with school orientation. Service also includes in-school tutoring, both with groups in the classroom and individual help.
After-School Services include tutoring 5 days per week during the school year, mentoring, social enrichment activities (such as Girl Scouts, sports leadership, teen time, middle school science club, etc.) twice per week, summer programming twice weekly at each community center, and field trips 6 times per year. NAI also provides 10 weeks of Summer Literacy, Arts, Music and Movement (SLAMM) programming at the Refugee New Arrival School for school-age youth, 6 to 15 years old, to prepare them for entering the school system for the first time in the fall and for youth who are out of school on summer break.
The New Arrivals Institute is continually looking for dedicated individuals and groups to volunteer. Volunteer opportunities include:
To enroll a family in the School Impact Program, please contact Kristian Hultgren at: (336) 383-2219 OR
Parent Focused Assistance:
For volunteer opportunities, contact Lynn Thompson at to set up an interview and get started!
You can find our volunteer application here
Join us for our 2nd annual fundraising gala - Bridges to Belonging - Celebrating the Triumphs of Refugees!