NAI provides Vocational Education classes that prepare clients for the American workplace. Classes include employment readiness, how to find and keep a job, interactions within the workplace and job skills.
The NAI mobile computer lab allows teachers to utilize online ESOL, employment and citizenship programs in the classroom. It also gives clients the opportunity to learn important computer skills that they can use in their job search
NAI assists clients with enrolling into Quick Jobs or Career Readiness courses through the Target Assistant Grant program. NAI works with qualified clients to assess their goals and refer them to GTCC for placement.
The Quick Job courses cover subjects such as Certified Nursing Assistant, Pharmacy Technician, Welding, Auto Safety Technician, Computer Integrated Machining and more.
These courses teach clients the necessary skills to help them find gainful employment in their chosen field.
Join us for our 2nd annual fundraising gala - Bridges to Belonging - Celebrating the Triumphs of Refugees!